Bret Hart Once Called Triple H A Cancer In The Dressing Room

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Bret Hart is a WWE Hall of Famer, and his in-ring skills earned him all the fame and recognition a pro wrestler would ever want. However, he truly changed after what transpired during The Montreal Screwjob. In fact, he once called The Kliq a cancer in the dressing room.

Bret Hart is infamous for having very divisive opinions and never sugar coating his words. One of the most notable instances where he expressed his candid opinion was a few years ago when WWE released a DVD celebrating the careers of The Kliq.

The Kliq were often accused of engaging in backstage politics and were prominent figures on WWE television during the mid-1990s. While speaking in an interview on The LAW with John Pollock, Hart provided a brutally honest response when asked about The Kliq receiving widespread praise. Hart didn’t hold back in his criticism of The Kliq, stating that they were “a cancer in the dressing room.”

Bret Hart acknowledged that Shawn Michaels might have some regrets about his past behavior, Hart believes that Kevin Nash, who was known for being a great wrestler and a good guy, couldn’t be proud of his association with The Kliq. In Hart’s opinion, the environment created by The Kliq was cancerous, and the group did more harm than good to the wrestling business.

“Praised by who? Triple H? [The Kliq was] a cancer in the dressing room, all of them. I don’t doubt that Shawn Michaels is sorry for a lot of that kinda behavior. Kevin Nash was a great wrestler and a good guy, but I don’t think he can be that proud of that association. It was a cancerous environment in the dressing room with those guys, and they certainly did more negative than positive harm to the business.”

Overall, Hart’s comments highlight the importance of maintaining a positive and supportive environment in the wrestling industry, where mutual respect and professionalism are essential. Despite the challenges and competitiveness inherent in the business, wrestlers must strive to build each other up instead of tearing each other down.

What’s your take on what Bret Hart said? Do you agree with him? Sound off in the comments!
