CelebMix Exclusive: The Tide Interview

May 2024 · 8 minute read

Here at CelebMix, we’ve made it no secret of our love for The Tide, when we got the chance to sit down with the Put The Cuffs On Me singers we couldn’t say turn it down. Having just finished their run of UK shows and as they’re getting ready to head out on tour with The Vamps we had plenty to talk about. We didn’t want you to miss out on the fun of hearing some questionable accents which took place so we’ve upload the interview below for you all to listen to alongside with a transcription of what went down.


You’ve just finished your own run of UK shows, how did they all go for you?

Levi: They were actually really great, UK shows…

(At this point we all got a little bit distracted by Buster, their PRs adorable dog who was causing mischief in the room)

Levi: The crowd reaction was great, we got to play new songs

Drew: Which will be on the bundles… Thetide.com. They were great we played the new songs we’ve been dying to play forever; the crowd was incredible and we sweat every show which is always a good sign. Boy Austin killed it on the mic, Nate killed it on the drums, Levi sucked at the bass and I think I did pretty well on the guitar.

The Vamps tour starts next week and you’ve played a fair few shows with them but what’s been your favourite moment from any of the shows with them?

L: Favourite from any shows with The Vamps?

Austin: Probably when they came out in morph suits

L: Their thing was that they cut out our track so we thought that in the middle of our song the track just cut out and all the sound was just not working and everything cut out and the music stopped. Then we turned around and they came out in morph suits just picking us up. It was pretty awesome.

D: They couldn’t see either

A: I don’t know how they stayed on that stage in morph suits, but they did it.

Do you have any plans for any pranks for the final show in Birmingham?

D: Break their instruments

L: We’re just going to go out there and break every single instrument. Just pour water on every single thing.

A: Or just get them back and break down one of their songs then all come out in morph suits and have that go back and forth.

D: We’d do it and fall right off the stage. Replace the confetti with melted cheese.

L: ‘I love The Vamps’ cheese everywhere.

Can you sum up being in The Tide with one of your own lyrics?

Nate: I don’t have superpowers but if I did I’d use them for good

L: Wow real original bro

So, any of our lyrics to sum up our time in the band?

L: I see you naked

D: That’s it!

L: We see each other naked probably ten times a day

A: I wouldn’t say ten times, there have been a good amount of times like this morning our shower in the hotel there’s just this wall between the bed and the bathroom. It’s just a window basically that I kind of fogged out. So, I was sleeping and Nate’s in the shower and I rolled over and was just like ‘Nate’s butt hmm okay’.

If you had to make your own cocktail, obviously alcoholic what would be in it?

N: Pina colaaadaaa

L: Nate, that’s already a cocktail. I think Nate’s would be like milk and funyuns.

A: Then a little bit of beer, that’s the throw-up combination! I think mine would be like some prosecco, a little bit of vodka and some cherry smoothie.

L: I think mine would be like Jack Daniels with some orange juice and ice.

Keeping it simple!

D: I would do like vodka and when I went to Warped Tour they had these snow cones which came with that and a candy mix in there. Vodka and then I put some sour patch kids on top.

What are your own personal life goals? Just to change it up and make it a little bit deep…

D: For me personally to always put faith first like when I do something, you always get those situations where you can’t but you can. I want to try and put more of that forward.

L: I think mine is just always look at situations positively and try even if it’s really hard.to do that sometimes but trying to live my life that way makes such a difference. Just like there’s always bad situations in people’s lives but when you think about it it’s going to get better no matter what and there’s something that is good, there’s always someone that cares about you. So many good things, just like looking at it positively every day.

A: Ultimately my life goal is to fulfil what the people before have tried to fulfil in my life. My friend Josh, my grandmother, just spreading love to people. These days there’s not enough in this world and I’m a firm believer in God and peace and everything that the world is going through right now we need that more than ever. Just in my experience as an artist, I wouldn’t be happy no matter if I had all the fame and money in the world if I didn’t make any change to that because why do you live and breathe if you don’t breathe love to other people. It’s just what we’re made to do, that’s my life goal.

L: Nate?

D: To be a milk carton?

N: To have a number one across the world.

D: That was another Put The Cuffs On Me plug

You filmed your new music video last week? The week before? When can we expect it?

L: We got the email about it yesterday and watched it

D: We watched the first cut, so probably like five years

L: Probably really soon so be expecting it a week or two

Soon as in with The Vamps which is ages but I like that we have a definite time frame now

D: We want to turn around that before the arena tour. We want to try and get it out.

You’ve signed to Capitol which nobody has talked that much about yet, how did it come about as a lot of people on Twitter didn’t expect it?

A: Well we work a lot with Universal and EMI in the UK and they help us a lot and Capitol has helped us a lot in America so because we’re based in LA and America but we’re doing a lot of work here. Capitol have given us a lot of help in the US and they’ve helped us a lot with Put The Cuffs on Me and it’s really cool. We got the tweet the other day which said welcome to the family which we thought was pretty cool.

If you had to be members of The Vamps who would you be and why?

A: Brad, because he sings

D: I’d be Connor, you can’t take that one either

L: I would be…

You can be the same ones!

L: I think Brad. He’s like the biggest, I just am so awkward with talking to people like I can’t even talk on the phone and order my own food it’s terrible. I cannot talk and Brad is like the biggest personality he can talk to anyone, just like ‘that’ and make everyone feel welcome and like he’s just really interested in what you’re saying and great at talking. And his voice is pretty cool. But that’s something I wish I could do, but definitely, can’t because I’m awkward as heck.

N: I would be Brad; he looks like he has a lot of fun onstage.

If you could put the cuffs on anyone, to get them out your life who would it be and why?

All: Haters!

A: Anyone who’s a jerk, why be a jerk when you can be not a jerk? You know?

(cue a moment of chaos over jerks and taking them to the station, we’d listen to this bit on the audio below if you need a laugh, words don’t do it justice!)

D: Be a jerk you go to jail!

Final question, what’s coming up for you in 2017?

A: We’ve got this Amsterdam show which should be really fun, we’ve got The Vamps tour which should be amazing in the UK and Ireland. We’re releasing some musical singles then we’d like to release our album.

When can we expect an album?

A: We’d say late summer time around that area, we want to get our singles out first. We’re just going to be pushing that mostly and we’ll be touring and ramping up the hype. Then the album’s out. Touring some more, I’m sure we’ll be back in the UK a lot.

D: It’s like done, we’re at that stage.

L: We’ve been writing this album for like two years

D: It’s just like finalising it really!

The Tide will be heading out on tour with The Vamps starting on the 28th April in Sheffield Arena. For more information and to keep up to date with The Tide check them out on Facebook and Twitter.

Are you a fan of The Tide? What was your favourite part of the interview? Tweet us @CelebMix to let us know.
