D&D 5E - Death House Player Maps

May 2024 ยท 1 minute read

Does anybody have information on where I might find a player-handout version (sans DM notes and room numbers) of the 5E Death House and Village of Barovia maps? I have a mixed table with at least one player joining us online and would like to give him an easy reference.

The maps are done by Mike Schley, and he has been offering his maps for sale on his website. I believe if you buy them you get both the Player and DM versions (someone can correct me if I'm wrong.) However, he hasn't released the maps from Death House yet, because the full Curse of Strahd book hasn't been released. Once the book is, (on either the 4th or 18th) I would presume he'll offer the map packet for sale at that point.
