Dante's Recovery Could Take a Back Seat to Sam's Drama

May 2024 · 3 minute read

General Hospital: Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna)

General Hospital spoilers tease that Dante Falconeri (Dominic Zamprogna) has a long road ahead before he’s back to being 100 percent or able to return to work as a police officer.

In the time between now and then, he’ll get to spend more time with his girlfriend Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco). Initially, that’s going to seem like a good thing, but as he becomes acutely aware of just how wrapped up in her ex — Jason Morgan (Steve Burton) — Sam seems to be, it may lead to complications for their relationship and Dante’s health.

As he takes note of his loving girlfriend drifting further out of the picture — all in the name of protecting her child who seems to be doing just fine — Dante may have to question what’s really going on with his lady love.

General Hospital Spoilers — More Than Meets the Eye

Right now, it might look like Sam is merely looking out for her son, but it won’t take long for Dante to start wondering if there is more going on in Sam’s heart than just anger toward Jason for being who he is.

Might it be that she’s still unhappy with his decision to choose a life of danger over his family — including herself? Could it be that Sam never really let go of her life with Jason as easily as she thought she did?

GH Spoilers Suggest a Custody Battle Lies Ahead

With their relationship in flux and Sam trying to ice Jason out of having any relationship with his son, she may be expecting that he’ll just defer to whatever she wants.

General Hospital: Sam McCall (Kelly Monaco)

After all, she’s been holding it down while he was off pretending he was dead. Having a good reason for that — even if she doesn’t know what it was — doesn’t negate that his child had to grieve the death of his father.

At the same time, Jason has the government on his side and covering for him to an extent right now, and that could work in his favor if he wants to secure access to Danny Morgan (Ashr Antonyzyn) — or if Danny requests that he petition for custody.

Understandably, this could place an undue strain on Sam’s relationship with Dante, too.

General Hospital Spoilers — Dante’s Support Suffers — and Waivers

Although he said he would support Sam in whatever decisions she made, Dante may falter in that department when he starts to feel like his relationship with Sam is taking a back seat to her unresolved feelings toward Jason.

Fighting over their child may only lead her to be more preoccupied with thoughts of her ex and his motivations.

The more Dante observes Sam’s varied rollercoaster of feelings toward him, the more he may come to question just how over it all Sam really is. How do you see this working out for the currently happy couple?

Share your thoughts with us and keep checking back for more General Hospital news and spoilers to find out.
