EXCLUSIVE: Lily Moore Breaks Down New EP "Before I Change My Mind, Again..." Track-By-Track!

June 2024 · 3 minute read

With the release of her new EP “Before I Change My Mind, Again…” British pop powerhouse Lily Moore reflects upon a series of coming-of-age life lessons, to produce her most accomplished, and astute material to date.

“This music documents not only my life, but my friends lives too, as we look back and reflected on the last few years of living, and learning in London.” Moore tells CelebMix exclusively as she opens up about the lyrical inspiration behind each of the songs featured on the extended play. “There are break-ups, make-ups – stories of late nights and fuck ups! Sometimes saying too little, or saying too much… being messy, and clumsy with each other, and ourselves because didn’t know any better. Even after making this EP, we still don’t.”

Made up of 6 powerful and emotive tracks, “Before I Change My Mind, Again…” sees Brighton-born Lily finally get her musical mojo back, after previously admitting to feeling disheartened and exhausted by the music industry.

“I never really understood how people could leave music and do anything else… until I fucking well did!” a candid Moore admits. “I didn’t know how much longer I would last in the music industry and how many more punches I could take, but I knew how much I loved writing songs. The sessions I wrote these in were during those dark days when the world was in a funny place. The outside world was fucked, but inside the studio I was safe. Quite honestly, this EP gave me back my life.”

Exploring themes of love, heartbreak and friendship, here Lily breaks down the meaning and messages behind her latest body of work…  

1. Hard Days Love

“This song is about knowing you should give up on something but not being quite ready to. With all the synths, strings and big drums I could ever dream of – this was Lily Moore 2.0 returning to music.” 

2. Beautiful Lie

“A song I wrote for all the promises and lies we get told that don’t always come true. They’re nice lies; not meant to hurt our feelings or make us feel shitty. But sometimes they do.” 

3. Summer

“‘Summer’ is my reminder to myself that not everything has to last forever. In fact, that’s part of the fun.”

4. Everybody’s Falling In Love 

“This is a song I started writing at 2am on the bus home, grumpy and annoyed that all my mates had got boyfriends apart from me. Of course at the time I told them I was happy for them…”

5. Hit Me In The Dark 

“There’s no hidden meanings in this song. It’s simply about that moment you realise what you want and not letting fear get in the way.”

6. Never Wanted You More

“A love song for all the over thinkers. This track takes me back to standing on the doorstep of a boy’s house in Bounds Green and realising I didn’t want to go just yet. Did I stay and listen to my heart? No, of course I fucking didn’t. I massively overthought it all, got scared, ran away and spent the next year moaning about it in the girls group chat. We live and we learn, eh?”  

“Before I Change My Mind, Again…” is available to download / stream via Believe now.

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