Halle Berry granted the right to take Nahla out of state, but will Gabriel follow?

June 2024 · 2 minute read


As we reported yesterday, it’s looking more and more like there’s some kind of détente in the Cold War between Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry. Radar reported yesterday that Gabriel had withdrawn his custody filing, the one that started this whole mess, and sources connected with the drama say that Halle and Gabriel are now speaking to each other and taking their drama down a notch. Halle met with the judge yesterday, and the results of that closed-door meeting are mixed. The short-term custodial issue has been resolved, it seems. Gabriel didn’t want Halle to take Nahla to New York, where Halle wanted to film a small part in New Year’s Eve. It would have been a week-long working trip, and Gabriel was asking the judge why Halle couldn’t simply leave Nahla in LA, with him. Halle apparently even offered to put Gabriel up in a NYC hotel for the duration of the trip, so he could be with Nahla. But, the judge ruled that Halle could take Nahla out of state.

Halle’s lawyer Neal Hersh told TMZ: “We are pleased the judge took the time to deal with this very imminent and important issue. The judge read a great deal of paperwork and gave us time to argue. Halle is very pleased with the judge’s order.” TMZ is also declaring “victory” for Halle in this particular battle.

However, Radar is still Team Aubry. They report that Gabe will be going to NYC with Halle and Nahla, and that the judge ruled that Gabriel should be granted visitation rights. So, the judge apparently stipulated that “the actress must allow her ex-boyfriend to spend time with his daughter while she is there.” Also, the judge dismissed the child custody and support petition filed by Gabriel.

So, what does this mean? I think it means that they both kind of got what they wanted – Halle gets to travel with Nahla and work wherever she wants, but Gabriel’s visitation rights are solidified. But this is all just a temporary solution – I’m sure there’s more to come. I hope Gabriel made enough tapes of Halle’s crazy.



Photos courtesy of Fame.
