Helen Mirren Wore No Underwear at the Oscars

April 2024 · 2 minute read

Helen Mirren: Nothing Comes between her and her Oscar

Putting the Sexy back in Sexagenarian Helemn Mirren was greeted with an impromptu ovation at the airport when she arrived back in the UK. Everyone loves a home town girl making good.
The Mirror reflects on her Oscars glory:

HELEN Mirren was given a rapturous welcome back to Britain yesterday – after revealing she wore no undies on her Oscar glory night.

Dame Helen, clutching her Best Actress gong, got a standing ovation from fellow airport passengers as she strode to a waiting limo.

The Queen star, 61, beamed as she flew in from Los Angeles: “I’ve just had the most incredible welcome to my country. It’s very, very sweet.”
One fellow passenger said: “Everyone burst into spontaneous applause when she passed through.

“It was incredible and she looked really touched by it.”

Rapturous applause is one thing but Mirren does ravenous just as graciously. Given a framed picture of herself on the front page of the Mirror wolfing down an -N-Out burger at the Morton’s bash in West Hollywood. She exclaimed with joy:

“I love the picture on the front of the Mirror. It’s a wonderful picture.

“I was so hungry at that point and just needed to eat something.”

With her appetite for saucy scandal also in full bloom Mirren sat down with Oprah for a chat. Talking to Oprah, the most popular and adored Enemy of the American Hamburger ( You remember those farmers who dared to sue La O for talking smack about Beef), Mirren revealed just how revealed she was under that beautiful Lacroix gown:

– her outfit was so snug she was almost nude under it.

Dame Helen took the Christian LaCroix gold gown on to the show and giggled as she clutched her boobs: “It was all made for me so I didn’t have to have any underwear.

“It fitted me like two angels’ hands. I cried when I put it on – it’s a work of art.”

Lucky old angels … and lucky old boobs … they really did a great job together

What are you wearing?! Lacroix Sweetie. Then it’s fabulous!

Pics via komotv
