Internet child sex perverts escape justice

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

THE investigation into the world's largest child pornography ring trapped only a fraction of its members and may have left hundreds of thousands of depraved images in circulation on the internet.

Operation Cathedral - the international police inquiry into the so-called Wonderland Club - led to action in just a quarter of the 46 countries where Wonderland members were known to be active.

In those countries where arrests were made it was not always possible for police computer experts to break down the complex codes used by club members to hide child pornography on their computers.

The Telegraph has learned that computer experts from America's CIA tried for 30 days to break the codes used by a British Wonderland member to hide his library of child pornography. They failed.

Next week one of the seven British members of Wonderland who were convicted at Kingston Crown Court in February will be freed.

Andrew Barlow, 25, of Milton Keynes, Bucks, will be released from Littlehey prison, Cambs, on Monday. He was jailed for two years for having 46,000 paedophilic images stored on his computer.

Barlow served six months in prison on remand and is to be freed having served just half of his jail term.

Later this month Frederick Stephens, 46, of Hayes, west London, who had 9,000 images on his computer, will be released having served half of a 12-month sentence.

Had they and the other Wonderland members been arrested this year they would have been liable on conviction to maximum sentences of 10 years. The prison term was increased as a result of the discovery of Wonderland.

The National Crime Squad found that the British members of the club had traded more than 120,000 "unimaginable" images with each other. Some featured children being tortured, bound in chains or being sexually assaulted. One set of pictures showed a three-month-old baby.

A montage of the faces of more than 1,200 children who featured in the Wonderland pornography was compiled by the NCS and made available to police forces around the world.

Only 16 have been positively identified; one of those is presumed murdered.

But a new report prepared for End Child Prostitution and Trafficking, an international organisation funded by the United Nations, reveals that not all the images stored by British Wonderland members were discovered.

Stephen Ellis from Norwich, Norfolk, was one of 10 Britons originally arrested in raids in 1998. His computer was seized and Ellis, 40, appeared before Hastings magistrates along with other Wonderland members in January 1999.

Two weeks after that court appearance Ellis committed suicide, either from guilt or shame that his participation in the international proliferation of child pornography would lead to a prison sentence.

But specialist technicians employed to decipher the computer codes used by Wonderland were unable to break the encryption on Ellis's equipment.

His computer was sent to the FBI and the CIA in the United States where experts ran code-breaking programs on it for a month without success.

Had Ellis not killed himself he would not have stood trial because the evidence against him had not been obtained.

Nevertheless the British arm of Operation Cathedral was a major success.

Officers from the NCS are now regarded as among the best in the world at tracking down internet pornographers.

But other countries are less able and less willing to tackle the increasing amounts of paedophile material on the internet.

Wonderland was found to be established in 46 countries where 180 people were active in creating and trading images. The group was secretive and hierarchical and applicants had to submit a store of 10,000 pcitures to qualify for entry.

But police forces from just 14 countries were invited to the Interpol conference where the raids designed to smash Wonderland were planned.

According to the Ecpat report the other countries - including Ireland, New Zealand, Israel, Japan, Spain and South Africa - were excluded because they often lacked either the expertise or the political will to tackle the issue.

In the case of some countries the legal framework to punish internet pornographers was unavailable or their law enforcement agencies were considered too corrupt to participate in a sensitive international inquiry.

Holland and Canada pulled out of the operation shortly before the co-ordinated raids on suspects' houses were scheduled to go ahead at 04.00 GMT on Sept 2 1998.

The Dutch police took action later against a number of people but the Canadian authorities never tackled their 14 suspects.

Judicial results from Operation Cathedral have been patchy. Of the 107 people arrested, 50 have been convicted and 22 are still awaiting trial. Eight men committed suicide and the outcome of 27 cases is not known.

In Britain, apart from Barlow and Stephens, seven other Wonderland members have been convicted.

David Chaikin, 36, from Maidenhead, Berks, is already free having served part of an eight-month sentence handed down in 1999.

Antoni Skinner, 36, of Cheltenham, Glos, will be freed in November. Ahmet Ali, 31, of Catford, south London, and Gavin Seagars, 29, of Dartford, Kent, will be released next February.

Ian Baldock, 31, of St Leonards, East Sussex, and David Hines, 30, of Bognor Regis, West Sussex, are due for release in May next year.

Gary Salt, a former RAF engineer who achieved high status in Wonderland for distributing pictures of himself abusing children, was tried separately and sentenced to 12 years for child sex offences.

The fate of the children who suffered is not so clear. Police found photographs or videos of 1,263 children but only 16 have been positively identified - one each from Chile and Argentina, 13 from the USA or Britain and one from Portugal.

A Portuguese boy, Rui Pedro Mendonca was 11 when he disappeared on his way home from school; he is presumed to have been abducted, forced into pornography and murdered.

His parents, desperate to find him, drew up and circulated a poster showing his picture, and appealing for information of his whereabouts. Their efforts drew a blank.
