Mark Zuckerberg Claims The Social Network was very Falsified

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Mark Zuckerberg

When you have billions of dollars to your name and you accomplished that before you turned 30, life probably isn’t that bad. However, Mark Zuckerberg has feelings, too, and his billions can’t make him feel better about the things that hurt him most. Apparently, something he finds quite hurtful was the movie “The Social Network” (yes, the one with Justin Timberlake).

He was asked about the movie when he did a live question and answer segment on Thursday on, you guessed it, Facebook.

“Wow, I haven’t spent a lot of time thinking about that movie in a while. I kinda blocked that one out. It was a very interesting experience to watch a movie that was supposedly about my life…supposedly. I think the reality is that writing code and building a product and then building a company actually is not a glamorous enough ting to make a movie about. So you can imagine that a lot of the stuff they probably had to embellish and make up. If they were really making a movie, it would have been of me, sitting at a computer coding for two hours straight, which probably would have just not been that good of a movie and these guys, I think, want to win awards and sell tickets,” said the social media founder.

“They just kind of made up a bunch of stuff that I found kind of hurtful. I take our mission really seriously, and we’re here not primarily to just build a company, but to help connect the world…The thing that I found the most interesting about the movie, was that they kind of made up this whole plot line about how I decided to create Facebook to I think, attract girls,” he said of what makes him feel less than happy about the movie. Well, it does seem that the reality would have been a lot more boring.

Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images
