Oops I Cut My Hair Again! Pray for Me!

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Britney Spears turned 39 years old earlier this month, but is still able to make only a few real choices about her life.

Now, the mother of two has cut her hair — and is asking for prayers of support from fans.

"Cut my hair!!!!" the beloved and talented Britney Spears announced to her fans and followers on Instagram.

"You know what they say …. out with the old …. in with the new !!!!!" she quipped.

Britney concluded her caption a little curiously, writing: "Now let us pray."

Her hair looks great in the photos that she shared.

A lot of people put off getting haircuts this year, because there’s no way to social distance while getting styled.

Long hair is great, but sometimes people want to lose a few inches.

That is just what Britney did.

She is now sporting blonde hair reaching just past her shoulders.

Additionally, she is adorned with mild-mannered, parted bangs.

Though she is still sporting her recognizable dark eyeliner in the pic, that’s no different than usual.

She did not play with the coloring of her hair — natural brown hair visible in the pics was already there beforehand.

This is not a radical change … but given one of the most infamous lows of Britney’s life, Britney knew that people would be a little concerned.

See, thirteen years ago, Britney went into a salon and buzzed off her long blonde hair.

She was going through a very difficult time for many reasons, and many saw this as a sign of Britney’s alleged "breakdown" that year.

Mental health struggles can be all too real … but Britney’s dramatic hair decision way back when sounds cathartic and deeply rational.

See, in the mid-to-late aughts, there was an explosion of interest in celebrity culture, and Britney was absolutely at the epicenter of that.

Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan were on everyone’s minds. Miley was making headlines as a teen. Keeping Up With The Kardashians launched.

Everywhere that Britney went, she was photographed — and it is believed that paparazzi were directly tipped off by those close to her to keep her name in headlines.

Whatever their motives, that can take a tremendous toll on a person, especially when it was never their intention to be photographed on very outing.

In particular, Britney was inundated with "your hair!" and "let’s fix your hair first" before any outing, even a simple shopping trip.

Over time, it was doing as described in one of her first big hits — driving her crazy — and she had had enough of everyone else micro-managing every aspect of her appearance.

For many of us, a haircut is regular maintenance. Once a month or once every two years, it’s something that we do for upkeep of our hair health and our appearance.

But for people in the spotlight like Britney, especially those with overbearing people in their lives, it can be truly liberating.

Buzzing off her hair may have been a shock to her fans, but for her, it was a moment of seizing control in a life where she had very little.

This time, it’s less drastic, of course. This time it’s what’s considered a "normal" haircut. To be fair, her 2007 cut was drastic, but still "normal." People do that every day.

And sadly, Britney found herself with less and less agency and autonomy. A 2008 conservatorship meant to last for only a weekend has now stretched on until 2021 — at least.

We are glad that she can find pieces of happiness among the few choices that she is still permitted to make.

Britney Spears Fans Accuse Her Team of Orchestrating Cover-Up, Faking Pics & Videos

Britney Spears Fans Accuse Her Team of Orchestrating Cover-Up, Faking Pics & Videos

