Rest in peace Cristiano Ronaldos mother and sister mourn heart-breaking death of close

June 2024 · 5 minute read

Cristiano Ronaldo's aunt Gorete has sadly passed away and his mother Dolores Aveiro and sister Katia Aveiro have mourned their loss on social media.

The Al Nassr superstar's family are grieving and have expressed their sadness on Instagram. Dolores posted a picture of her late sister Gorete with a heartfelt message:

"Today the sky gained another star rest in peace my sister."

Meanwhile, Katia posted a photo of Gorete on her Instagram story with a touching tribute to her late aunt. She revealed that her birthday was coming up on October 1 while leaving a moving tribute by sending her love to her cousins:

“Go in peace dear auntie, and may god give you strength. To the cousins, I know what the loss of someone that we love unconditionally."
Katia Aveiro's Instagram story.

The sad news came on a day (September 25) when Cristiano Ronaldo was rested in Al-Nassr's 5-1 win against Ohod in the King Cup of Champions. The Portuguese icon played no part in the victory and will have been given time to process the passing away of his aunt.

Ronaldo, 38, has yet to comment on the passing of his auntie. His last post on Instagram was a motivational message to his Al-Nassr teammates ahead of their win against Ohod.

Cristiano Ronaldo on telling his children that his son had passed way

Ronaldo lost his son Angel last year.

Cristiano Ronaldo and his partner Georgina Rodriguez announced the sad news that his son Angel had passed away during birth on April 18, 2022. The five-time Ballon d'Or winner said in a joint statement on the couple's Instagram accounts:

"It is with our deepest sadness we have to announce that our baby boy has passed away. It is the greatest pain that any parents can feel."

The five-time UEFA Champions League winner expressed the difficulties in telling his children their brother had sadly died. His children were curious about the situation until after a week when he told them that he had gone to Heaven. He told British broadcaster Piers Morgan on Talk TV:

“The kids start to say “Mom where is the other baby?” And after one week I say let’s be up front and let’s be honest with the kids, let’s say that, Ángel, which is his name, has gone to Heaven.”

Cristiano Ronaldo explained that he couldn't hide the truth from his children although he highlighted the difficulty in doing so:

“I am not gonna lie to my kids [about the passing of Ángel], I say the truth, which was a difficult process."

The Al-Nassr superstar and Rodriguez were set to have twins when Angel passed. They did welcome a new baby girl, Bella, to the world which gave them hope during a period of grieving.

Ronaldo has five children including Cristiano Ronaldo Jr whose mother is unknown, and twins Mateo and Eva who were born from surrogate mothers. Alana Martina and Bella are both the Portuguese icon and Rodriguez's biological daughters.

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