Semana Santa 2016: details and guide

June 2024 · 7 minute read

When is Semana Santa?

From March 20-27 2016, the streets of Seville, and other Spanish cities including Malaga, will be filled with thousands of medieval robed and hooded figures, processing slowly behind swaying life-sized religious effigies, accompanied by the deep thud of drums and mournful wailing of trumpets. It might sound sinister, but Semana Santa (Holy Week) is an extraordinary, mesmerising experience and constitutes one of Spain’s largest festivals.

Exact procession times are TBC; check this page regularly for updates.

The ancient, sombre celebration of Christ’s last days, reveals a mystical side of this vibrant city, especially at dusk, when candles are lit, and the processions take on a haunting, timeless feel. Up to a million visitors flock to Seville for the spectacle; the late-night processions on Thursday (March 24), la Madruga’ are unmissable.

What is Semana Santa?

Holy Week is a week-long celebration of pageantry, art, and raw emotion, as processions make their stately way from parish churches to the cathedral and back again. Nearly 70 cofradias (church brotherhoods, many dating from the 16th century) take part, each with their own much-adored Virgin Mary and Jesus statues, as well as colourful misterios (tableaux of bible scenes), on elaborately-decorated pasos (floats).

Each cofradia has up to 3,000 nazarenos (the robed, hooded figures; penitents carry crosses), taking as long as 90 minutes to file past. Nazarenos wear a hood, tunic and belt in their cofradia’s special colours. The capirotes (tall, pointed hoods with eye-holes) were designed so the faithful could repent in anonymity, without being recognised as self-confessed sinners.

What happens in the processions?

Each day, between six and nine cofradias go out in procession, with the first starting at midday. The long line of hooded nazarenos, statues, and musicians slowly moves out of its parish church, led by a cross. As the wistful, flower-bedecked Virgin, resplendent in her gold-emboidered mantle emerges, people shout “Guapa!” (Beautiful!) – it’s a moment charged with great emotion.

A guide to cultural holidays in Spain

Watch processions pass through their own district (San Bernardo, Macarena, Triana) – you’ll feel the intense affection, especially for the Maria effigies, akin to loyalty for football teams. Confetti and flower petals are thrown, and some passionate soul belts out a saeta, a haunting lament to the Holy Mother sung from a balcony. The cofradia joins the Official Route (see below) to arrive at the cathedral, and then begins the return journey back home. Some of the larger cofradias take an exhausting 14 hours for the entire round trip.

Key dates: the best Seville Semana Santa processions, and when and where to see them

Thursday March 24 and Friday March 25 are national holidays: many monuments are closed those days, either in the afternoon or all day (most shops close in the afternoon all week). Be aware that if it rains, or even threatens to, processions are cancelled.

Outfits are designed so that those repenting for their sins can conceal their identity

One of the few cofradias which passes through Maria Luisa Park is La Paz, on Palm Sunday (March 20); catch it at 2.30pm near Plaza de España. At 3pm La Hiniesta comes out through the narrow Gothic-arched entrance of its church in Plaza San Julian – an amazing sight, and a delicate, skilled manoeuvre. Look up, and you’ll see balconies decorated with palm leaves all around the city.

In the old Jewish quarter, on Tuesday (March 22), see San Bernardo as dusk falls in Calle Mateas Gago at 8.30pm - a line of dark, shadowy silhouettes with tall red flickering candles; you’re back in the 16th century.

A weekend in Seville

La Sed passes through Plaza Encarnacion on Wednesday (April 1) at 5.30pm – the steps of contemporary architectural icon Metropol Parasol offer a great viewing point.

On Thursday (March 24) Las Cigarerras crosses San Telmo bridge at 4pm, passing the Torre del Oro. Traditionally women wear black dresses with mantillas (lace veils) on Thursday.

The climax of the week is La Madruga’, early Good Friday morning (March 25), when Seville’s two (rival) favourite Virgins, Triana and Macarena – you can see their beautiful, melancholic countenances in every bar, shop and taxi - make their much-anticipated appearances. Sleep in the afternoon, go out to dinner at 9pm, then grab a spot for one of these: La Macarena emerging from her Basilica at 12 midnight (look out for the Roman centurions, and the misterio paso with Pontius Pilate).

El Silencio is the oldest 'hermandad'. Photo: Getty

El Silencio – the oldest hermandad, founded in 1340; hauntingly silent, with no street lights, at 1am in Plaza del Duque. Jesus del Gran Poder, with its gilt baroque Christ paso, in Plaza San Lorenzo at 1.30am. La Esperanza de Triana, icon of this riverside district, in Calle Pureza at 2.15am.

El Cachorro, whose 17th-century dying Christ figure is a masterpiece, crosses Triana bridge at 5.30pm on Good Friday (March 25).

You’ll see seats set up along the “Official Route”, from Calle Campana, along Calle Sierpes, in Plaza San Francisco, down Avenida de la Constitucion, to Plaza Virgen de los Reyes by the cathedral. These are all booked out months in advance, but Tour Cofrade ( offers tours which include: visits to three churches whose pasos go out that day, and to a sculptor’s workshop; lunch; and a reserved seat in Plaza Virgen de los Reyes (where cofradias come out of the cathedral) until the last paso leaves (around midnight), for £71.

Another option is to rent a balcony overlooking the route – away from the crowds, while still immersed in the atmosphere, and with a great view. mybalcony ( offers balconies to rent for up to 12 people, some with food and drink included, from around £50 per person.

The best places to stay in Seville during Semana Santa, and what to eat and buy

Accommodation gets booked up very early for Semana Santa, and prices are hiked too. See our guide to the best hotels in Seville to suit all budgets.

If you are booking late, you may get lucky using a hotel or apartment search engine like, or Ideally you want to be on the Official Route, with a window or balcony onto the street; alternatively, the areas of Santa Cruz, the Arenal, Alfalfa or Alameda are all close to the cathedral; Nervion is further but you’re more likely to find a room.

Watch the processions from a balcony

Get a taste of traditional Semana Santa pastries - pestiños and torrijas - at established favourite La Campana (Calle Campana 1, 00 34 954 223 570;, whose nazareno-shaped sweets and chocolates make great presents. For small paint-your-own pasos, figures and other Semana Santa curiosities, Marieta (Calle Orfila 1, 00 34 954 210 534) doubles as a nazarenos’ robe workshop, while Mundo Cofrade (Calle Jesus del Gran Poder 5, 00 34 954 371 822; offers larger models, DVDs and books galore.


Get a printed programme (weekly versions from hotels, shops and tourist information offices; more in-depth ones come with daily newspapers) showing facts, routes and timings, including colours of each cofradia’s robes and details about its history; websites such as feature images of cofradias’ churches and statues, as well as procession schedules.

Use an app for real-time updates of where each procession is: iLlamador ( is good.

Arrive early to get a good spot, but be aware that many streets are narrow and become so jam-packed you can barely move; not for claustrophobics. Also remember that although you’ll be standing for long periods, a rest stop with reviving tapas is never far away – Seville has around 3,000 bars.

Semana Santa in Malaga

Taking place over the same period in 2016, March 20-27, Semana Santa in Malaga is also a very special affair. The "brotherhoods" of the city send floats and large thrones out onto the streets and there are candelit processions that draw thousands of spectators. See more here:
