The popular pastor accuses Disney of trying to reinvent family.

June 2024 · 2 minute read

The popular pastor accuses Disney of trying to ‘reinvent family.’

The famous American pastor Franklin Graham supported the decision of the Governor of Florida to deprive Disney of special privileges and also accused the latter of spreading sin and trying to rethink the concept of “family.”

On Friday, Governor DeSantis signed into law a new law that would end Disney’s exclusive rule over the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando.

It was previously authorized to use the area – known as Reddy Creek – largely free from government oversight over matters such as building principles.

The law could bring results in June 2023, although there is even space for negotiation, and a conservative lawyer says he thinks Disney violates its First Amendment right to freedom of expression. Can successfully sue DeSantis.

“Disney’s corporate leadership morality is in the gutter today, and they want to redefine the family against God’s original design and expose sin. LGBTQ activists are using corporations to force their agenda on the public. Disney has gone too far. The people of Florida have rebelled, and it will cost dearly.” Disney

They had a special tax status in the state from which they benefited greatly, but because they opposed the parents of Florida, the governor and legislators canceled this status, “the evangelist wrote on his social network account, which is signed by more than ten million of his supporters.

Graham accompanied his post with photos of rainbow-adorned Disney memorabilia for sale ahead of Pride, including Mickey and Minnie Mouse’s ears and pins.

Recall that state legislators have deprived the company of the right to self-government in the territories under its control. The special status has been in effect since the mid-60s and allowed Disney to independently collect taxes, have its own utilities and even offer emergency services.

