What a Tyne to be Alive - Exclusive interview with Pop Rocks newest stars.

June 2024 · 4 minute read

If you’ve managed to catch Busted on the biggest selling UK tour of 2023, you’d have come across one of the most exciting support bands of the century. A band who give night after night a headlining arena tour level performance. The Tyne.

The Tyne have quickly become one of our favourite up and coming bands of 2023; even making it onto our coverted list of artists to watch out for this year. Now, with their supporting slot with Busted coming to an end, the band are about to embark on their own U.K headline tour, and we had to have a chat with Ryan the fontman whose future is the only thing brighter than his hair.

Hi Ryan, thank you so much for taking time out of your wild schedule to chat to CelebMix. For our readers who are discovering you here and now, can you introduce yourselves?

Hey we are The Tyne. I’m Ryan Lofthouse and I’m the frontman/lead singer whatever you want to call me. We have Cooper Stout on bass and the Lima brothers Josh on guitar and Noah on drums! We’ve been a band for about 4 years with me and Cooper starting the band in the summer of 2019. Josh joined in 2020 just before lockdown hit and Noah joined very recently but has been playing drums with us for quite a while!

From what we’ve heard before this interview and live – we’ve noticed a massive pop-punk vibe from you guys. Who are your influences?

The main influences for our music would be My Chemical Romance, Green Day and The Ramones but we’ve all got so many individual influences from so many different genres. I love pop-punk but we also pull a lot from indie music and like to blend what we all like!

Your currently captivating Busted’s army of fans whilst being their opening act. How is touring going?

We’re having so much fun! Busted is one of the bands we grew up listening to (they are one of the reasons I wanted to be in a band) so we still can’t quite believe that we’re here playing some of our dream venues!

We’ve just heard your latest single Bad Mood – it is INCREDIBLE. What was the writing process of this?

Thank you! We don’t really have a concrete writing process, usually it starts with us on an acoustic guitar in one of our bedrooms and it just goes from there! That’s exactly what we did for Bad Mood, sat with an acoustic guitar and just wrote until we got something we liked. Josh will usually start making some drum beats on his laptop while we write!

The music video is brilliant. How was it for you all filming a video like this? And working with the LEGEND David Spearing.

We had so much fun on this video and it’s probably our favourite so far! Working with Dean Sherwood is always so fun and it was great to work with David! It also made me realise that I’m a terrible actor.

We disagree on this! We think your performance was oscar worthy! How has the live reaction been for Bad Mood?

The live reaction to Bad Mood has been really good! It’s a weird feeling to look out at an arena towards the end of a song and see people dancing and singing your song back to you so I would say it’s been quite positive!

After you finish this tour with Busted, you are headlining your own tour! (Tickets are now on sale here) How are you feeling about that?

We’re all so excited for that! We haven’t done our own headline tour in over a year and we can’t wait to get back out on the road and play loads more songs!

What can we expect to see on this headline tour?

We’ll be playing loads of our released music and quite a few unreleased songs too which are some of our favourites! Might be the odd cover here and there as-well but you’ll have to come to the shows and find that out for yourself.

Of course we will be catching you guys at a venue near us – aside from touring, what else can we look forward to in the end part of 2023 and 2024?

We’re working on so much music at the moment and it’s some of our favourite songs that we’ve ever written so you can definitely expect loads more music from us!

We really can’t wait for that! Now lastly – for everyone needing more The Tyne in their lives, what are your socials?

We are @thetyneband on all social media platforms annoying people all over the Internet!


Let us know your thoughts on The Tyne over on ‘X’ (formerly Twitter) @CelebMix now!
