What is 2x Golf Majors winner Andy Norths net worth?

April 2024 ยท 4 minute read

According to available sources, Andy North currently has a net worth of $2 million. However, this figure is only an estimate because it often takes into account approximate data. In reality, North's net worth could well be much higher.

Andy North has had two professional careers in which he has been able to earn millions of dollars. He was a professional golfer for 20 years and, also for more than two decades, he has been involved in journalism and hosting television programs.

Andy North (right) broadcasting the 2023 PGA Championship (Image via Twitter @AndyHallESPN).

Andy North earned 3.3 million dollars as a professional golfer from 1972 until the beginning of the 1990s (only in tournaments linked with the PGA Tour, PGA Tour Champions, and the now-defunct Korn Ferry Tour). He received additional compensation for his involvement in other tournaments, notably as the 1978 World Cup and the 1985 Ryder Cup.

North retired from full-time professional golf in 1992 to serve as a course reporter for the ESPN television network. Since then, his career has centered around golf broadcasting.

In his new professional stage, North has worked as chief reporter on golf courses, lead golf analyst on ESPN television programs, and host of programs on the same network.

For his work in golf broadcasts, he has also received earnings that have been growing over the years. In 2022, his salary was about $82,000 per year.

Andy North's career as a golfer

Andy North, 73, was linked to golf from a very young age in his native Wisconsin. Among his best results as a junior golfer was a runner-up finish in the 1967 Wisconsin State Amateur Match Play Championship, a tournament he won two years later.

During his time as an amateur, he was recruited by the University of Florida on an athletic scholarship. During this time, North was a three-time first-team All-Southeastern Conference selection and an All-American in 1970, 1971, and 1972.

Andy North at the U-S. Open 1978 (Image via Golf Monthly)

In 1972 he turned professional and began competing on the PGA Tour and the Korn Ferry Tour. He had only three victories on the PGA Tour, but two of them were in a major tournament, specifically, in the U.S. Open (1978 and 1985). His third victory was in the 1977 American Express Westchester Classic.

North played 507 events on the PGA Tour and made the cut in 315 of them. He accumulated seven runner-ups, four third places, and 50 Top 10s.

Among the honors he has received for his athletic career are being inducted into the University of Florida Athletic Hall of Fame and the Wisconsin Athletic Hall of Fame.

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