When comedian Seth Rogen tweeted at Joe Rogan a joke on their last names

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Joe Rogan is a popular name in the mixed martial arts community. However, Rogan's popularity transcends beyond the sport due to his involvement in stand-up comedy and podcasting.

Due to multiple activities, Rogan has been able to connect to an audience beyond the sport of MMA, and in the process, he has earned the attention of notable individuals. The display of it was seen when comedian and actor Seth Rogen mentioned the UFC color commentator in a funny tweet.

In a tweet from 2013, Seth Rogen questioned Rogan about his name. The comedian and actor wrote:

"Hey @joerogan. Do people always spell your name RogEn? Or am I the only one getting f***ed here?"

Check out the tweet by Seth Rogen below:

Due to their names, sometimes people have the notion that Rogan and Seth Rogen are related. However, that is not the case. The only thing that is similar between the two is their surname, which sounds alike.

Joe Rogan is related to famous singer Gerard Way

While veteran broadcaster Joe Rogan might not be any relation of Seth Rogen, the former Fear Factor host is related to famous singer and writer Gerard Way.

During an episode of the color commentator's podcast, Rogan was in conversation with Kevin Smith. As their conversation moved forward, Smith asked Rogan if his grandmother's name was Rosie and also mentioned Gerard Way. That's when the UFC color commentator confirmed and said:

"Yeah, we are related."

Once Rogan confirmed he was related to the singer, Smith mentioned that Way told him the same thing. Smith said:

"That’s what he said. I was like, I’m going to Joe Rogan’s; And he goes, ‘I don’t have a 100 percent confirmation on this, but I’m pretty sure Joe Rogan is my cousin. My aunt Josie was his grandmother."

Check out Rogan and Smith's entire conversation below:

While Rogan confirmed that he and Way are cousins, the color commentator said that they did not know each other. Both Rogan and Way are extremely popular individuals. It will be interesting to see if the UFC commentator ever inivites Way on his podcast.

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